About Us

Winnipeg Home Décor is a Canadian business based in Winnipeg. Sikander Billing, an adoptive citizen, founded it. He worked as a merchandiser, a buyer, and an operations manager for recognized Canadian companies in his former career. In 2020, he decided to utilize his many years’ of industry experience to become a business owner.

“I was ready to try something on my own,” he says. “The Winnipeg community is expanding and changing. I was ready to invest in that change and share my talents with my local community.”

Sikander is more than an experienced buyer. His immense interest in art, art history, and fashion design have provided him with a keen eye for beauty and luxury. His sourcing background gives him a competitive edge to source quality products that are not readily available in Canada. He has a talent for discovering unique items. Also, he continuously searches for exclusive merchandise and is highly experienced in market launches of new products.

I felt that while there were abundant home décor options available, Winnipeg homes could use more variety to contemporize and modernize the interiors. Design, functionality, quality and value are the essence of my collection. I carry carefully selected, curated collection of products based on my understanding of the trends and ever changing demand of the local community. Every product carried by Winnipeg Home Décor strives to cater the home décor needs is hand-picked for being both beautiful and valuable. Customer satisfaction is of utmost importance to Sikander and the entire team of Winnipeg Home décor. All his associates provide exceptional customer service and share their knowledge and expertise with the client.

“The most important part of being a business owner in Winnipeg is being a part of the community,” Sikander explains. “I love connecting with my customers and helping them find just the right products to make their house a home.”

Our mission is simple: to create a décor brand that focuses on design, versatility, functionality and craftsmanship. We want to introduce well-designed authentic products that are far superior in quality to products in the market at the time, ultimately attempting to reinvent the home décor category.